We are excited to announce that 6 degrees of separation – 6DOS – is officially live! After many months of work, the team is excited to bring you a one-of-a-kind B2B tool for sales teams.
If you are just learning about 6DOS for the first time, a bit of background. Ethan Francis founded the company in 2018. While working at a large consulting firm, Ethan identified a daily challenge for sales teams and executives – a lack of visibility into authentic and genuine connections across their teams. Contact information is spread across multiple vendors online. Networking is an ever-growing nightmare as people resort to cold calls, spam and endless linking online.
6DOS is different is by design. Here’s how it works:
- You and your close friends or colleagues form private teams on 6DOS.co
- 6DOS scores the quality of every contact and makes those scores searchable by only your team
- You see exactly who to go to for warm introductions (whether for selling, recruiting, or investing)
Beyond solving this problem, 6DOS is a different kind of tech company. We believe you should own your own data and contacts.
6DOS will never sell your data so there will never be any ads or spam. Period.
Personal details of your contacts are only visible to you and are never shared. You are in 100% control of your data and contacts. 6DOS is a tool built to empower you and your team.
Finally, we’ll let you in on a little secret: Your network is better than you know. Let 6DOS show you. Be one of the first to use 6DOS – request an invitation today!
While today is an exciting step for us, we have LOTS of exciting plans for the future of 6DOS – including a mobile app, analytics, and integrations including with Saleforce. We’d love to hear directly from you about what would be most valuable to you. Connect with us on social or shoot us an email directly. We look forward to helping you make the right connections.
~ 6DOS Team